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The Spread

A Lenormand spread is a method of self-analysis and helps you with decisions. By placing the Lenormand cards, you connect with your inner voice and intuition. The images on the Lenormand cards reflect possible life experiences or emotions.

You receive a symbolic answer to your concerns. Yes or no questions are unsuitable for working with Lenormand cards. If you have already asked the cards about a specific topic, you should wait a few months before consulting them again on the same subject.

When interpreting the cards, you should use a mix of logic and intuition. Always pay attention to the combinations and connections!

First, look at the big picture. The effect of a negative card can be mitigated by a positive card. Positive cards can also be weakened by corresponding negative cards. Cards can also cancel each other out. Sometimes the interpretation suggestions are contradictory. In this case, look at the adjacent cards. They may provide further clues as to what is meant.

It is important to note that the cards are symbolic of something. The symbolism can also relate to the position of the card. For example, if the Coffin is in the House of Fish, it is likely a warning that your finances are at risk.

What should you do if you receive a very negative card spread? Negative cards are often warnings. Choose a path in life that reduces risk. For example, if you see a combination that predicts poor health, stop smoking or avoid anything that could harm your health. If you feel that the spread is completely inappropriate for you, start a new one.

The more honest you are with yourself, the more you will gain from the card reading.

Grand Tableau

When you lay out the Grand Tableau, first look where the Woman or the Man is located. If you are a woman, the Woman represents you. If you are a man, the Man represents you. Do you have your own Heart Lady or a personal Heart King? If so, they are each represented by the other Woman or Man.

If you need a temporal interpretation, everything in the line of sight of the Woman or the Man indicates the future. What lies behind them represents the past.

What lies between these two main cards shows your current state.

The main and character cards of Lenormand often represent actual people, perhaps colleagues, friends, or relatives. The following cards can be used as character cards:

Central Cards

The cards in the House of the Oriole (12), Child (13), Park (20), and Mountain (21) are the central cards of the Grand Tableau. In this example, these are the Coffin, Tower, Book, and Ship.

Lenormand Central Cards

Main Theme

The main theme is represented by the cards at each of the four corners. They are located in the House of the Rider (1), Coffin (8), Moon (25), and Ring (32). For example, here the cards are Sun, Fish, Clouds, and Snake.

Lenormand Main Theme

Destiny Cards

The last four cards are found in the House of the Key (33), Fish (34), Anchor (35), and Cross (36). These are the Oriole, Tree, Dog, and Fox. They predict the future and apply for the next 8-12 weeks.

Lenormand Destiny Cards

Your Task

The cards in the Houses of the Star (16) and the Cross (36) indicate your task. In this example, these are Woman and Fox.

Lenormand Task

Predicting the Future

This is an example reading for a woman:

Lenormand Future
This is an example reading for a man:

Lenormand Future


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