The first card describes the starting position:
1. Theme
Your card: Rider
Personal card. Transportation. Good message. Something will be moved. New beginning. Bad cards will be softened, good cards strengthened. Alternatively: Fulfilled desires. Success. Victory. A dream come true. Self-esteem. Nice surprise.
Someone new will come into your life. Old passion is rekindled Lack of engagement. Bad messages. Decisions instead of reactions. Sometimes arrogant.
You will receive a delivery or registered mail. Act quickly. Take your chance Love for details. Too many projects. You can't finish everything you have started. Don't move too fast
What to avoid and what's the wrong way? This tells the second card:
2. Wrong way
Your card: Mice
Something gnaws at conscience. Theft. Slow decrease. Defeat. Failure. Alternatively: Hard work. A dispute. Spiritual / occult learning. Studies. Hope will not be realized.
You are running out of time. Loss of sorrows. Promises are not met Loss of relationships. Be careful. Pay attention to small signs. Happiness is threatened.
Solve your problem systematically. Act quickly. Remain alert Take more time to be compassionate. Nervousness. Stay true
The third card shows the right direction. This is what you can do:
3. Right way
Your card: Dog
Personal card. Loyalty. Binding. Hold tight. Trust. Help. Benevolence. Alternatively: Building lasting foundations. Ground yourself. Return to nature.
A very good and loyal friend. Someone whom you know well and trust Patiently waiting for something. Don't doubt the loyalty of a certain person.
Someone who represents your interests, for example: doctors, financial advisors or book holders. View the surrounding cards to get more information. Don't cancel treatment Attempting to hurt someone. People you can rely on blindly
The fourth card shows a solution on how to get there:
4. Destination
Your card: Sun
Health. Warmth. Creativity. Vitality. Alternatively: Engagement ring. Endless wonders. Positive influence.
Someone can give a lot of love. Good care. Luck. Generosity Not being cared about enough. Lack of empathy. Dreams are fulfilled.
Caring for health. Enjoy the good times. Overcoming obstacles with full force. Take your chance Know your options. Solving conflicts. Finding encouragement, healing, and hope
You can download the texts of this spread in the next hour:
Faye - 2021-09-09 07:03:42
Thank you, this is perfect better than real one prediction with a deck
monica - 2021-09-15 23:24:42
This reading helped me put my thoughts into actions. Bright blessings.
Cristy - 2021-10-30 03:04:07
Thank you for tihis website…. The answers are amazing and speak to my heart. ❤️
Krisi - 2022-05-02 21:30:53
Thanks s lot for prognoze....I know how difficult is to make desicion when you is not so strong like 2 jears sho..blessing!
MARIA - 2022-10-19 05:13:35
haha wow this is very impresive, and very accurate!! i love itttt
Marea - 2023-04-30 06:03:20
I always knew there is no love that God had in mind. And really these readings are a waste of time. Their is never anything about them that is helpful
None ya - 2023-05-19 18:06:28
I always knew that God has a plan that is Gods and you’re not to access or interfere. What a sorry lot of folks looking to make folks into someone they are not they are interefering in Gods blessing. I do think some folks are blessed in the access of the records but Generally though they can’t access mine and they also show their shortcomings their own. Anyways thank you Jesus it’s truly a blessing to not remember your ways are best and it’s your blessing to me.
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