Your Lenormand reading - The Cross

You put these four cards:
3. Right way
Lenormand Card Snake
1. Theme
Lenormand Card Tree
  2. Wrong way
Lenormand Card Moon
4. Destination
Lenormand Card Ship
Lenormand Card Tree The first card describes the starting position:

1. Theme

Your card: Tree

Life. Roots. Calm. Alternatively: Boredom. Rest and satisfaction. Reflection. Divine consciousness. Altar. Repeat.

Haste makes waste. A strong karmic relationship. Good health Gridlock. Stunting karmic themes. Little personal development. Bad health. Bad habits.

Your patience is needed. Prepare to go out of your way Avoid upsets. Be patient
Lenormand Card Moon What to avoid and what's the wrong way? This tells the second card:

2. Wrong way

Your card: Moon

Mirror of the soul. Emotional needs. Intuition. Fame and honor or social recognition. Alternatively: Requited love and feelings of admiration. Conflicting emotions. Satisfaction.

Romantic fantasies. Daydreaming about love You can't handle too much closeness. Relationship with deep feelings.

Take things easy for a while. Step back. Pay more attention to feelings of others and your own feelings. Night shift Look after your nerves. Don't work too hard
Tarot Cafe
I Ching - Book of Changes
Gypsy Cards
Animal Tarot

Lenormand Card Snake The third card shows the right direction. This is what you can do:

3. Right way

Your card: Snake

Personal card. Entanglements. Deceit. Intelligence. Seduction.. Alternatively: An intelligent woman. Someone who likes activity. Good judgement. Happy to be included.

Someone who likes to seduce others. Someone who pursues their objectives Warning against female rival. Someone selfish. An enemy. Funded by a wise woman.

Keep a clear head. Do it prudently Think twice before you act
Lenormand Card Ship The fourth card shows a solution on how to get there:

4. Destination

Your card: Ship

Trip. Distance. Circumstances change. Let events come to you. One longs for the card to which the ship is sailing. Alternatively: Something moves forward. Exploitation. Theft. Fears and worries are exploited. Night.

Long-term relationship. Wait for the right one Leave someone or a loved one behind. Someone from another country, who is far away at the sea.

Starting a new business. Putting all one’s eggs in one basket. Journeys - for fun or business Don't rush. Let things happen without intervention


Faye - 2021-09-09 07:03:42
Thank you, this is perfect better than real one prediction with a deck
monica - 2021-09-15 23:24:42
This reading helped me put my thoughts into actions. Bright blessings.
Cristy - 2021-10-30 03:04:07
Thank you for tihis website…. The answers are amazing and speak to my heart. ❤️
Krisi - 2022-05-02 21:30:53
Thanks s lot for prognoze....I know how difficult is to make desicion when you is not so strong like 2 jears sho..blessing!
MARIA - 2022-10-19 05:13:35
haha wow this is very impresive, and very accurate!! i love itttt
Marea - 2023-04-30 06:03:20
I always knew there is no love that God had in mind. And really these readings are a waste of time. Their is never anything about them that is helpful
None ya - 2023-05-19 18:06:28
I always knew that God has a plan that is Gods and you’re not to access or interfere. What a sorry lot of folks looking to make folks into someone they are not they are interefering in Gods blessing. I do think some folks are blessed in the access of the records but Generally though they can’t access mine and they also show their shortcomings their own. Anyways thank you Jesus it’s truly a blessing to not remember your ways are best and it’s your blessing to me.

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