Your Lenormand reading: Decision-making

Decision-making If you have to choose between two alternatives, the consulting of Lenormand cards can be useful. The cards can help you to recognize trends. In this card reading, two paths are laid out. Ultimately you decide for yourself which is the better way for you.

First choose the card that best reflects your major theme. If you want to know the meaning of each card, you will find all Lenormand cards in the overview. Click 'Show cards' and you will get the reading:


Heartspace - 2021-04-22 22:28:02
Always acurrate
Bex - 2021-06-12 03:34:18
Wow this is really on point
Cruzer - 2021-10-12 21:34:44
Made no sense at all. Just told me what the cards mean not how it pertains to me or answered my question.
valerie - 2022-02-20 03:54:33
On Amazon there is a book written by the guy who is a master of Lenormand cards and if you purchase that the combinations will let you know what is in store. Also, he sells the deck too. just go to Lenormand cards and book it will give you exactly what you need.

Hope that helps.
or - 2024-04-14 16:58:10
i dont understand much
This is the best answer - 2024-09-11 06:32:28
It makes sense 🤓

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